We are located at:
The CatStrand
New Galloway
Dumfries & Galloway
Click here to visit:
The CatStrand Website
Contact Us:
If you have any queries
please contact:
Brian Jones
01644 420374
The Catstrand Ukes
(The Second Strumming)
Unlike King Canute, many residents of the
Stewartry aged 50 and over have embraced
the tide of music that has overwhelmed
them in their later years.
As part of a Connecting in Retirement
Initiative, managed by Brian Jones, based at
The CatStrand in New Galloway, the chance
to learn the ukulele has been a wonderful
opportunity. To learn a new skill, meet new
friends and experience the buzz of
performing to an audience has been fulfilling
and uplifting. An opportunity, I'm sure, some
of us thought may have passed us by.
The rehearsals, held alternately at the Catstrand and Glentrool Village Hall, are exciting and
entertaining as we develop new songs for future performances. Sometimes it's difficult to say who
gets the most pleasure, us or the audiences, which is why we will keep on strumming.
Welcome to the
Catstrand Ukulele Group
If you have any comments,
or suggestions about this
website, or spot any faults,
then please
If you have any comments,
or suggestions about this
copy of the website, or spot
any faults, then please
Contact the Webmaster
This is an
of the original site
which was last
updated on
16th March 2020